Target Audience: Entrepreneur and artisan enterprises, technical agencies in the municipalities, consultants, etc.
Goals: The course is primarily aimed at businesses that require understanding of radontiltak and training in the field of engineering and the practical execution of construction and ventilation against radon technical measures. Participants should be able to understand the effect of various radontiltak and describe the various action/project solutions. In addition, participants receive training in performance, and troubleshooting if a measure is not working for the purpose. Participants are conducted courses be capable of projecting, execute, and control the various types of action against radon. Participants ' motivation and activity levels will be strengthened through mostly practical tasks. The level of knowledge for the course will be examined through the knowledge test. Participants will be invited to evaluate the course by completing the evaluation form.
Prior knowledge required: 1-day basic course, documented basis skills radonproblematikk
Duration: Day 1. from 10:00-16:00. Day 2: from 09:00–15: 00
Kursdatoer: klikk her...Price: NOK 14.900,--incl. lunch/coffee and compendium
Deadline: Deadline for registration is 1 day before the course starts. When we reach the maximum number of participants is closing new sign ups, possibly. be transferred to the next course. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to enroll in.
Terms of payment: 100% of the course fee is paid before the course starts. The customer does not meet the non-refundable tuition, but the customer may attend a later equivalent courses.
Registration can be done by sending us a request via our contact form. Specify which courses you are interested in we will inform you if there are still free places on the course.